Friday, November 29, 2019

Maatschappij Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers

Maatschappij Pressiegroepen hebben meer kans op succes als: er eensgezindheid is en veel macht dat word uitgeoefend door de grote. Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid: burgers overtreden bewust de wet om een maatschappelijk vraagstuk aan de orde te stellen. Het geeft vooral minderheden in een democratie de kans zich te verzetten tegen besluitsvormingen. Gericht op algemeen belang,vind openbaar plaats, geweldloos, kiezen voor dit middel als legale manieren naar hun mening te kort schieten. 6.3 politieke partijen probeert op basis van een samenhangend geheel van ideen, mensen te mobiliseren om zich te bemoeien met de inrichting van het bestuur van de samenleving als geheel. Articulatiefunctie: zetten wensen en eisen op de politieke agenda. Communicatieve functie: nemen een standpunt in ten aanzien van verschillende kwesties en informeren daardoor de kiezers ook over het overheidsbeleid. Aggregatiefunctie:het samenbrengen van ideen tot 1 partijprogramma. Participatiefunctie: door informatie en meningsvorming proberen partijen burgers over te halen politiek passief of actief te worden in hun partij(lidmaatschap). Recruterings- en selectiefunctie: politieke partijen dragen voor functies in de politieke kandidaten voor. Zonder politieke partij is het voor iemand veel moeilijker om gekozen te worden Hoofdstuk 7 7.2 Knelpunten in de politiek Een Democratisch systeem heeft beperkingen, die nodig zijn om de rechten van de minderheden te waarborgen, om een soepele besluitvorming te garanderen of om internationale afwegingen te kunnen maken. De regering wordt niet gekozen In Nederland kiezen we de kandidaten die ons vertegenwoordigen in onder meer de gemeenteraad en de Tweede Kamer. De regering kiezen we niet. In een directe democratie kunnen de burgers ook direct stemmen over belangrijke besluiten en hebben hierdoor veel rechtstreekse invloed op het beleid. Ook in de presidentile stelsels hebben de kiezers meer invloed op het beleid, omdat ze de president als hoofd van de regering kiezen die vervolgens zijn of haar kabinet vormt. De minister-president komt meestal voort uit de grootste partij van de regeringscoalitie, maar het is goed mogelijk dat de grootste partij geen deel uitmaakt van het kabinet. Ministers worden aan het eind van de kabinetsformatie benoemd en zijn vaak mensen die in het bedrijfsleven of bij de overheid hun sporen hebben bijverdiend als bestuurder, waardoor ze bij het grote publiek vaak onbekend zijn. Dictatuur van het regeerakkoord Het regeerakkoord vertroebelt de rolverdeling tussen parlement en regering. Hoe gedetailleerder het regeerakkoord, hoe moeilijker het voor de Kamerleden wordt om hun eigen rol te spelen. Het dualisme wordt dan aangetast. Ongelijke toegang Vormen van ongelijke toegang tot de politiek: - Volksvertegenwoordigers zorgen ervoor dat problemen en ideen vanuit het hele land verhoord worden en ze zorgen ervoor dat provincies met elkaar verbonden blijven. Binnen de politiek zien we dat vooral de mensen die zich goed kunnen manifesteren carriere maken. Zij vormen het partijkader waaruit de kandidatenlijsten bij verkziezingen worden samengesteld. - De politieke cultuur en de manier van debatteren houden veel mensen buiten de politiek. Politici gebruiken te veel moeilijke woorden jargon. - De toegang tot politiek is voor nieuwe onervaren politici moeilijker. Afnemende invloed parlement De machtsverhouding tussen het parlement en de regering is ongelijk. De regering heeft meer macht en dat komt doordat het regeerakkoord ervoor zorgt dat Kamerleden van de regeringsfracties hun eigen afweging niet meer mogen maken. Het verschil in informatie tussen regering en parlementarirs is groot. Een minister heeft namelijk veel ambtenaren achter zich staan, terwijl een Kamerlid alleen n of twee medewerkers achter zich heeft. Vooral bij kleinere partijen moeten de kamerleden zich in meerdere onderwerpen verdiepen dit maakt het makkelijker voor ministers om lastige vragen van Kamerleden te ontwijken het wordt moeilijker voor het parlement om de regering te controleren. 7.3 Beperkte politieke participatie 1970 Mensen hadden niet alleen het recht om te stemmen, maar ze waren ook verplicht om van dat recht gebruik te maken. Die opkomstplicht werd afgeschaft, daardoor is het opkomstpercentage gedaald. Het opkomstpercentage verschilt sterk per bestuurslaag. BV: Bij de verkiezingen van de tweede kamer kwamen er meer mensen stemmen, dan bij de verkiezingen van de provincie. De opkomst van stemgerechtigden voor de gemeenteraad verschilt sterk per gemeente.BV: In Utrecht was het percentage stemmers lager dan in Amsterdam. Absoluut dieptepunt vormen de verkiezingen voor het Europees Parlement: In 2004 nam slechts 39.1 % van de kiezers de moeite om zijn stem uit te brengen. Een lage opkomst is om een aantal redenen ongwenst: Een lage opkomst geeft geen goede afspiegeling van de in de bevolking levende opvattingen. De mensen die stemmen, krijgen

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Business Law essay

buy custom Business Law essay Legal disputes arise when two or more parties disagree over the existence of legal duty or right and how a breach of such rights or duty should be compensated. Effective resolution of legal disputes depends on our ability to understand the legal system and the ethical considerations involved. At international level, dispute resolution is mainly influenced by three factors namely, jurisdiction, choice of law and foreign judgment. Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues The main issues involved in resolving legal disputes associated with international transactions include enforceability, neutrality, procedural flexibility, cost and speed. Enforceability determines whether a court decision made in one country can be applied in another country . The legal institution handling the dispute should be neutral to both parties and the procedure should be flexible enough to accommodate the needs of all parties. Th legal process should also lead to a quick and cost-effective resolution. The practical considerations associated with taking legal action against a foreign business partner include the choice of law, jurisdiction and foreign judgment. The chosen law determines the outcome of the legal action in most cases. Jurisdiction on the other hand determines whether the foreign court is capable of settling the dispute. Foreign judgment is the ability of the legal systems in both countries to recognize and enforce a ruling made in either of them. CadMexs decision to enter sublicensing agreements can be undermined by its ability to comply with the law. The sublicensing agreement will not be accepted if it violates laws such as import-export laws. Transfer rights over trade secrets can also work against the sublicensing agreement. This is because CadMex may not be willing to reveal somme of its trade secrets to its partners. When local customs laws conflict with foreign ones, the customs of the country in which the goods are to be sold (importing country) will prevail. This is because custom duties are paid in the importing country and thus the laws of the importing country prevail. The issues in the simulation can be compared to domestic legal issues in terms of the factors that influence dispute resolution. At the domestic level, dispute resolution is mainly influenced by the effectiveness of the legal system. However, jurisdictional immunity plays a critical role in resolving disputes at international level. Thus companies should resolve domestic legal issues based on the local laws. International disputes on the other hand should be resolved on the basis of agreements or contracts which specify the jurisdiction and the law to be applied. Buy custom Business Law essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business plan, Market, Analysis, Construction

The business is a family owned company. As a Managing consultant, I have been employed to assess the viabilities of these two proposals and to produce a business plan that could be presented at the bank to gain financial backing for the expansion. I was able to make an ASSESSMENT CRITERIA, which were listed below: †¢ Understanding and application of theories †¢ Correct use of terminology, techniques, etc. †¢ Relevance of examples and scenarios †¢ Quality of referencing and sourcing of material (evidence) †¢ Quality of presentation †¢ Correct structuring of the report Business Plan: Constructed â€Å"mega-projects† are readily recognizable for their form and function, and in many cases, are awe-inspiring.   Major buildings and bridges give identities to cities and nations and evoke a sense of pride in the people. â€Å"The construction industry is a vast system of engineers, architects, laborers, craftsmen, material, equipment and tool suppliers, and project owners responsible for building these structures (†.   The scope of the industry is all encompassing, including every type of facility imaginable.   Roads, bridges, mass transit, airports, schools, retail and commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, drinking water systems, wastewater treatment facilities, dams and power generation, solid waste facilities, and hazardous waste treatment and disposal projects all benefit society and bolster our national security.   The construction industry seminar focused on projects and issues that have a pote ntial mobilization involvement. Executive Summary stated that, a home office in Yellowknife, NT will be established the first year of operations to reduce start up costs. The founder of the firm is a professional engineer with eighteen years of progressive and responsible experience. After the operation has started it was found out that the first year operation increased till up to 3rd year operation as well. Notice the sales amount in dollars increases as well as dollar profits together with the percent sales/profit. The firm will specialize in providing three dimensional modeling and visualization to our clients. State-of-the-art analysis and design tools will be an integral part of the business plan. Implementation of a quality control and assurance program will provide a focus for production work. The highlights of the executive summary shown in a bar graph presentation as analyzed in this manner, red bar represents which is increasing dollars from year 2000 to the year 2002. Also apple green color represents gross margin, which is also increasing order and while net profit increased in increasing order as well. Objectives were seen to have the following: Achieve 20% of market value at the end of the third year of operation. Increase gross margin to 80% by the third year of operations. Company has mission, as stated here: Our mission is to provide clients across Canada’s North with structural engineering services for all types of buildings, from concept planning through to completion, with a highly skilled professional team working together, using common sense and practical.   Key to success has developed experience as stated. Provide professional quality services on time and on budget. Develop a follow-up strategy to gauge performance with all clients. Implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy. Company Summary: Structure All Ltd. is a new company, which provides professional engineering design services for clients that manage, maintain, and plan for residential, commercial, and industrial type buildings. Our focus will be the public sector market in remote communities across Canada’s North. Company Ownership will be, Structure All Ltd. will be created as a limited liability company. Philip D. Nolan will privately own the company. Leslie C. Goit will also be listed as a Director. Start up summary: Our start-up expenses amount to $13,000, which allows for initial legal expenses, licenses, permits, stationary, specialty software, office equipment, and furniture. In addition to these start-up costs, an initial balance of $7,000 will be placed in the company accounts. The software purchases include an allowance of $5,000 for AutoCAD ® 2000, $1,800 for National Master Specifications, and $200 for QuickBooks ® (accounting package). Total start-up expenses amounted to $13,000, which has the big values, compared to other expenses. Office equipment, other expenses and permits holder and legal service also has same amount, which is the least expenses incurred. For a company start-up summary goes this way, investments leads small amount while profit is big and the sales amount becomes big. Start-up expenses have the following: Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, web site development is $600 and lastly business licenses are $500.So overall total an expense coincides with the total assets. Market Analysis Company Locations and Facilities We will establish a home office in Yellowknife, NT in order to reduce start-up costs. The office space is estimated to be 150 square feet. We will be installing a dedicated fax line as well as a high-speed Internet connection. An interactive website will also be developed which will serve as a marketing tool. Services Structure All Ltd. offers complete structural engineering services. We will focus on buildings with the following Use and Occupancies, like the company is project oriented where each project involves. It also offers Project Consulting, Forensic Investigations, Project Management, and Dispute Resolution. Further more it also caters Restoration Engineering, and Inspections. Describing offers services was noted to be Competitive in the sense that offers their clients superior service, implement a quality assurance and control program for all projects undertaken, systematic manner of sorting and retrieving a library of structural elements and assemblies will be implemented. The sales literature was describe to be a brochure system. Brochure inserts will be maintained as individual sheets to facilitate their assembly in any custom situation. Greatly market analysis will be describe as Structure All Ltd. will focus on traditional Architect/Engineering (A/E) contracts. The owner will usually contract the A/E to perform planning and design services. These design services include preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates. Types of project distributions were having guidelines to follow as *Architecture Design (65%). *Structural Design (10%). *Mechanical Design (15%). *Electrical design (10%) Knowing the Market Segmentation will describe as a manner the market for engineering services that is, established Architectural and Engineering firms, territorial and Federal Governmental Departments. Market analysis Pie can summarize accordingly; Service Business Analysis, Business Participants, which were describe in as much as the manner showed. The major clients within the Territorial Governments include: Department of Education, Department of Transportation, and Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Competition and Buying Patterns at which, pricing of projects and billing rates are surprisingly variable. In consulting at this level, it is easier to be priced too low than too high. Clients and potential clients expect to pay substantial fees for the best quality professional advice. The nature of the billing, however, is sensitive. Clients are much more likely to be offended when a job starts at $20K and ends up at $30K because of overruns, than if the same job started at $30K or even $35K. Main Competitors are Ferguson Simek Clark (FSC Group), A.D. Williams Engineering Ltd. (ADWEL), and Girvan and Associates. Conclusion: The company done a very good performance as the company executive summary showed a very remarkable achievement in the analysis. Business plan, Market, Analysis, Construction The business is a family owned company. As a Managing consultant, I have been employed to assess the viabilities of these two proposals and to produce a business plan that could be presented at the bank to gain financial backing for the expansion. I was able to make an ASSESSMENT CRITERIA, which were listed below: †¢ Understanding and application of theories †¢ Correct use of terminology, techniques, etc. †¢ Relevance of examples and scenarios †¢ Quality of referencing and sourcing of material (evidence) †¢ Quality of presentation †¢ Correct structuring of the report Business Plan: Constructed â€Å"mega-projects† are readily recognizable for their form and function, and in many cases, are awe-inspiring.   Major buildings and bridges give identities to cities and nations and evoke a sense of pride in the people. â€Å"The construction industry is a vast system of engineers, architects, laborers, craftsmen, material, equipment and tool suppliers, and project owners responsible for building these structures (†.   The scope of the industry is all encompassing, including every type of facility imaginable.   Roads, bridges, mass transit, airports, schools, retail and commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, drinking water systems, wastewater treatment facilities, dams and power generation, solid waste facilities, and hazardous waste treatment and disposal projects all benefit society and bolster our national security.   The construction industry seminar focused on projects and issues that have a pote ntial mobilization involvement. Executive Summary stated that, a home office in Yellowknife, NT will be established the first year of operations to reduce start up costs. The founder of the firm is a professional engineer with eighteen years of progressive and responsible experience. After the operation has started it was found out that the first year operation increased till up to 3rd year operation as well. Notice the sales amount in dollars increases as well as dollar profits together with the percent sales/profit. The firm will specialize in providing three dimensional modeling and visualization to our clients. State-of-the-art analysis and design tools will be an integral part of the business plan. Implementation of a quality control and assurance program will provide a focus for production work. The highlights of the executive summary shown in a bar graph presentation as analyzed in this manner, red bar represents which is increasing dollars from year 2000 to the year 2002. Also apple green color represents gross margin, which is also increasing order and while net profit increased in increasing order as well. Objectives were seen to have the following: Achieve 20% of market value at the end of the third year of operation. Increase gross margin to 80% by the third year of operations. Company has mission, as stated here: Our mission is to provide clients across Canada’s North with structural engineering services for all types of buildings, from concept planning through to completion, with a highly skilled professional team working together, using common sense and practical.   Key to success has developed experience as stated. Provide professional quality services on time and on budget. Develop a follow-up strategy to gauge performance with all clients. Implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy. Company Summary: Structure All Ltd. is a new company, which provides professional engineering design services for clients that manage, maintain, and plan for residential, commercial, and industrial type buildings. Our focus will be the public sector market in remote communities across Canada’s North. Company Ownership will be, Structure All Ltd. will be created as a limited liability company. Philip D. Nolan will privately own the company. Leslie C. Goit will also be listed as a Director. Start up summary: Our start-up expenses amount to $13,000, which allows for initial legal expenses, licenses, permits, stationary, specialty software, office equipment, and furniture. In addition to these start-up costs, an initial balance of $7,000 will be placed in the company accounts. The software purchases include an allowance of $5,000 for AutoCAD ® 2000, $1,800 for National Master Specifications, and $200 for QuickBooks ® (accounting package). Total start-up expenses amounted to $13,000, which has the big values, compared to other expenses. Office equipment, other expenses and permits holder and legal service also has same amount, which is the least expenses incurred. For a company start-up summary goes this way, investments leads small amount while profit is big and the sales amount becomes big. Start-up expenses have the following: Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, web site development is $600 and lastly business licenses are $500.So overall total an expense coincides with the total assets. Market Analysis Company Locations and Facilities We will establish a home office in Yellowknife, NT in order to reduce start-up costs. The office space is estimated to be 150 square feet. We will be installing a dedicated fax line as well as a high-speed Internet connection. An interactive website will also be developed which will serve as a marketing tool. Services Structure All Ltd. offers complete structural engineering services. We will focus on buildings with the following Use and Occupancies, like the company is project oriented where each project involves. It also offers Project Consulting, Forensic Investigations, Project Management, and Dispute Resolution. Further more it also caters Restoration Engineering, and Inspections. Describing offers services was noted to be Competitive in the sense that offers their clients superior service, implement a quality assurance and control program for all projects undertaken, systematic manner of sorting and retrieving a library of structural elements and assemblies will be implemented. The sales literature was describe to be a brochure system. Brochure inserts will be maintained as individual sheets to facilitate their assembly in any custom situation. Greatly market analysis will be describe as Structure All Ltd. will focus on traditional Architect/Engineering (A/E) contracts. The owner will usually contract the A/E to perform planning and design services. These design services include preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates. Types of project distributions were having guidelines to follow as *Architecture Design (65%). *Structural Design (10%). *Mechanical Design (15%). *Electrical design (10%) Knowing the Market Segmentation will describe as a manner the market for engineering services that is, established Architectural and Engineering firms, territorial and Federal Governmental Departments. Market analysis Pie can summarize accordingly; Service Business Analysis, Business Participants, which were describe in as much as the manner showed. The major clients within the Territorial Governments include: Department of Education, Department of Transportation, and Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Competition and Buying Patterns at which, pricing of projects and billing rates are surprisingly variable. In consulting at this level, it is easier to be priced too low than too high. Clients and potential clients expect to pay substantial fees for the best quality professional advice. The nature of the billing, however, is sensitive. Clients are much more likely to be offended when a job starts at $20K and ends up at $30K because of overruns, than if the same job started at $30K or even $35K. Main Competitors are Ferguson Simek Clark (FSC Group), A.D. Williams Engineering Ltd. (ADWEL), and Girvan and Associates. Conclusion: The company done a very good performance as the company executive summary showed a very remarkable achievement in the analysis.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Short Question Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short Question Answer - Essay Example In summary, linguistic knowledge revolves around three major aspects; the form of the language under study, the meanings of various forms used within the language, and the context in which the specified language is applicable. As such, linguistic critically focuses on analyses of sounds and signs used within the language to extract the meanings of the communications. Further, linguistic tries to outline how the meanings of various words in communications are influenced by the contexts of the communications. In addition, linguistic lays critical insight into the grammar used in specific languages and their implications in communication. As an example, the word ‘nigger’ as used in American system could be in reference to one’s dark skin color, or could be a form of abuse depending on the context and the mood of the speaker. According to Lowenbergs, it is evident that there is a problem of social integration between native English speakers and non-native speakers. He observes that in nations where English is a second language, the ESL speakers find it so difficult to accept conventional ENL styles, instead opting to incorporate own vocabularies in the language to make it more acceptable. As a result, there has been development of new forms of English language divergent from the native language. Therefore, Lowenbergs proposes that the new non-native varieties of English should be acceptable as new and independent languages. As an example, he cites the massive deviation of the Nigerian English from the native English. Moreover, Lowenbergs notes that Native English is associated with colonialism, a prospect that many nations are currently trying to shy away from. As a result, allowing new variants as new languages is more acceptable in these nations. In partial agreement to Lowenbergs observations, Labov s tresses on the need to understand non-standard dialects such as the Negro variant of English. He, however, proposes such an understanding as a way of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Political Economic Situation of HK Research Paper

Political Economic Situation of HK - Research Paper Example The China National Tourism Administration has stopped tourists under package tours from visiting HK. The results have been the shortcomings in the economy as 30 percent of Chinese visitors travel via package tours. However, the stoppage of package tours is a temporary measure and does not point to the long-term structural change in China. It does not also mean that the Chinese government would cut the Individual Visitors Scheme   as it is one of the China’s bigger plans for integration with Hong Kong. Therefore, the movement has no long-term impacts on the economy. However, its long-term political and social effects can lead to long-term economic results.Nonetheless, protests that have become more frequent are likely to erode the appeal of Hong Kong to global firms. Hang Seng index, the local stock market benchmark, has tumbled over 9% since hitting a peak in six months in September. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority revealed that banks have closed down 44 branches because of the protests. The situation of the city can thus push away investors as most sectors, as the financial markets are not operating normally. Most people who could be working are in the streets, protesting. According to the Citigroup economist, investors and businesses are in an environment; that is increasingly creating higher operational risks. The movement seems disorderly to most foreigners and has thus created a negative perception of Hong Kong and mainland China.Despite the results of the protests, Chinese government has shown no sign of relenting.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evolution of Health Care Information Essay Example for Free

Evolution of Health Care Information Essay Over the last 20 years dramatic changes have occurred in the health care industry. â€Å"Health care technology has exploded over the last 20 years, not just in the arena of medical diagnosis and treatment, but also in the area of health information and documentation† (The art of patient care, 2008, p. 1). Two Major Events Twenty years ago, Riverview Hospital was limited with technology. The use of paper files for patient records is a thing of the past. Today Riverview Hospital uses electronic medical records (EMR). â€Å"An EMR is able to electronically collect and store patient data, supply that information to providers on request, permit clinicians to enter orders directly into a computerized provider entry system, and advise health care practitioners by providing decision-support tools such as reminders, alerts, and access to the latest research findings, or appropriate evidence-based guidelines† (Wagner, Lee, Glaser, 2009, p. 1). â€Å"Paper-based records have been in existence for centuries and their gradual replacement by computer-based records has been slowly underway for over twenty years in western healthcare systems† (Open Clinical, n.d., p. 1). Riverview Hospital has also seen an increase in using personal digital assistants (PDAs). Twenty years ago, PDAs did not exist. Doctor’s and other health care providers had to look up information in books and other publications. â€Å"The use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in medicine and the health sciences has rapidly increased. Health care professionals are using PDAs for patient tracking, medical reference, and drug dosage, as well as personal use† (Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2004, p. 1). â€Å"Health care personnel need access to updated information anywhere and at any time, and a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) has the potential to meet these requirements. A PDA is a mobile tool which has been employed widely for various purposes in health care practice, and the level of its use is expected to increase. Loaded with suitable functions and software  applications, a PDA might qualify as the tool that personnel and students in health care need† (PubMed, 2008, p. 1). â€Å"According to a May 2002 article in BNET, PDA software enables health care professionals to store patient information, order prescriptions directly to pharmacies, check on lab results and access medical information remotely. PDA programs even allow health care professionals to document billing and claims encounters to be submitted to health plans† (eHow, 2010, p. 1). The EMR system can connect doctors in a single practice and then share patient data with clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies if their systems are linked and compatible. EMR and PDA With the implementation of the EMR and the PDA, Riverview Hospital has seen an increase in the number of patients. Although patient stays have decreased, the number of patients which pass though the hospital has increased. The average stay today is half of what it was 20 years ago. â€Å"With the introduction of technology, health care providers have the ability to look up almost any aspect of medical information needed at the touch of a button† (The art of patient care, n.d., p. 1). The EMR implementation at Riverview Hospital has improved quality, outcomes, and safety. The EMR has improved efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction. The EMR has also improved service and satisfaction. â€Å"With PDAs, health care professionals can provide quality medical services to patients that are efficient and effective. PDAs offer instant access to critical information, so patients do not have to wait long to hear back from their doctors about lab test results or their prescription needs† (eHow, 2010, p. 1). One has to take into consideration with the EMR and the PDA that HIPPA is not violated. Although with the introduction of the EMR, it is less likely to see HIPPA violations as compared to paper charts. â€Å"Health care professionals who use PDAs must be careful to properly secure their electronic devices in a way that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act† (eHow, 2010, p. 1). President Obama has pledged that every American will have an electronic medical record by 2014. Twenty years ago, this was not even a  consideration. President Obama sees health care information technology and electronic medical records as key to improving the quality of care while reducing costs. This implementation will not only improve care coordination that will lead to better health care (reduced cost, enhanced quality), it will create jobs. Barriers The EMR and the PDA can also cause barriers within the health care system. Some of the barriers are resistance. This resistance was seen among health care practitioners at Riverview Hospital, although the implementation happened. There may be technical matters that occur, financial matters, resource issues, training and re-training issues, certification, security, ethical matters, and confidentiality issues. There may also be incompatibility between systems and doubts on clinical usefulness. Conclusion Remarkable advances in medical technology, especially at Riverview Hospital, continue to transform health care delivery. With this transformation comes many issues that arise. The EMR and the PDA can enhance how health care is delivered and can pose both positives and negatives. Within the 20 years at Riverview Hospital much has changed with technology and information systems, although one thing remains the same, the mission to treat patients as well as to improve and preserve the health and well-being of those they serve. Their vision is to redefine the healthcare experience, becoming the best place to work, practice medicine, and receive care. References eHow. (2010). Use of personal digital assistants in health care. Retrieved from healthcare.html Journal of the Medical Library Association. (2004). The use of personal digital assistants in the health sciences: results of a survey. Retrieved from Kreidler, M.K. (2008). Health Care and Information Technology. Research Starters – Business, (1). Open Clinical. (n.d.). Electronic medical records. Retrieved from PubMed. (2008). The use of the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) among personnel and students in health care. Retrieved from Scientific American. (2009). Will Electronic Medical Records Improve Health Care. Retrieved from The art of patient care. (n.d.). Health Care Technology and Patient Care. Retrieved from Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

?An Interpretation of Paul Laurence Dunbar?s Poem Sympathy and We Wear

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout African American history, African Americans have used poems as a way of describing the African American condition in America. One poet who was widely known for using poetry to describe the condition of African Americans in America was Paul Laurence Dunbar. Paul Laurence Dunbar was one of the most prolific poets of his time. Paul Laurence Dunbar used vivid, descriptive and symbolic language to portray images in his poetry of the senseless prejudices and racism that African Americans faced in America. Throughout this essay I will discuss, describe and interpret Sympathy and We Wear the Mask. Both Sympathy and We Wear the Mask were written by Paul Laurence Dunbar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To begin with, the poem Sympathy suggests to the reader a comparison between the lifestyle of the caged bird, and the African American. Paul Laurence Dunbar’s center of attention of Sympathy is how the African American identifies and relates to the frustrations and pain that a caged bird experiences. Dunbar begins the poem by stating â€Å"I know what the caged bird feels, alas!†(African American Literature page 922). This shows the comparison of a caged bird to an African American. Dunbar wrote this poem with vivid, descriptive, and symbolic language throughout the entire poem. Dunbar uses this vivid, descriptive and symbolic language to stress his point that some one tied up in bondage and chains is not privileged enough to enjoy the simple but unique parts of life. In the first stanza of Sympathy Dunbar wrote: I know what the caged bird feels, alas! When the sun is bright on the upland slopes; When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,- And the river flows like a stream of glass: When the first bird sings and the first bud opes, And the faint perfume from its chalice steals- I know what the caged bird feels! The first stanza is representative of the symbolic speech in which Paul Laurence Dunbar uses to describe the condition of African Americans. The first stanza also states how the conditions of African Americans are similar to that of a cage bird. The symbolism in the first stanza is that of nature. Dunbar speaks of the chalice, river, and grass which are parts of nature that a person who is not oppressed, may enjoy and take for granted. Unlike the non oppressed people; chalice, river, and grass are parts of nature in w... ...he second stanza is the mask in which hides African Americans feelings and thoughts from the public. The second stanza ask a question of â€Å"Why should the world be overwise† which is interpreted as Dunbar asking why should the majority of people have such a negative affect on people and how the minorities respond to societal norms. These societal norms that are spoken of a rules or unspoken laws that are set up to benefit and serve the majority or those that are in charge. In this case   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Similar to Sympathy the third stanza of We Wear the Mask is also like a prayer. The third stanza is a plea for release of control over African Americans. The third stanza is also a plea from African Americans for the release of hiding feelings and emotions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, Paul Laurence Dunbar was of the most prolific poets to ever write poetry. Paul Laurence Dunbar used vivid, descriptive and symbolic language to portray images in his poetry of the senseless prejudices and racism that African Americans faced in America. This use of vivid, descriptive and symbolic language was very apparent in both of his poems Sympathy and We Wear the Mask.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Better Weight-Loss Tool: Dieting Vs Exercising

A major factor leading to obesity in developed countries is the ready availability of inexpensive and tasty food. In addition to it a sedentary lifestyle, including desk jobs and time spent watching TV, using a computer, and other â€Å"activities† that require little or no physical effort are some other reasons. People are showing more interest in eating foods in restaurants and fast food out lets than the home made foods. Excess body fat has been linked to such health problems as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis and certain forms of cancer.There are different ways of loosing weight. One of them is by dieting and another is by exercising. But many people diet simply to reduce their weight to look better and slim. They think that the best way to achieve it is â€Å"Eat less, weigh less†. There's nothing wrong with looking good and losing weight but they should realize how healthy and strong they are. To be successful, the we ight loss should be gradual. The best way to shed body fat and reduce the weight is by dieting or temporarily changing eating habits. Sticking to a sensible eating program can also involve some discipline and sacrifice.A successful weight loss diet must include adequate amounts of all essential nutrients that the body needs to maintain health. The diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and a few processed foods is the best diet for people who want to loose weight in long term. Plan your diet carefully, avoiding fast foods and any other high-fat, high-sugar foods, foods such as fish, tofu, and the leanest cuts of meats with major protein source are advised instead of burgers and pizzas. An adult woman who is moderately active needs about 2,000 calories per day to meet all her nutrient requirements and maintain a healthy weight.She must therefore choose her diet carefully which in the long-term should not have any health problems such as kidney problems, bone minera l loss, and other unknown long-term risk factors (Eisenstein, et al. , 2002). People soon become tired or give themselves a vacation from dieting and gain the lost weight back, plus some more. A person’s effective approach to stay slim depends on whether ones weight goal is short- or long-term. If one strictly wants to become slim, they should be strong and determined towards the diet they eat.If your objective is to reduce body fat and keep your weight at a healthy, comfortable level, research has confirmed that regular exercise is the most important factor for long-term success . Exercising regularly will avoid depositing excess body fat. This is the most important component of your weight loss plan. Exercise will enhance what you're doing with your diet, but exercise alone will never take the place of changing your diet. Exercise can change the way you look, feel, and perform, as well as have a tremendously positive impact on your health and almost every aspect of your lif e.Setting up a simple, economical home gym will also help overcome some of the time limitations by cutting out travel to and from the gym. With a small initial investment and a few square feet of floor space, you can add convenience to the list of why an exercise program can be so effective. A proper diet coupled with regular exercise is the staple to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes, we don't commit to dieting until we are sure we can commit to exercise. Or we focus on exercising to the exclusion of our diet. You can exercise every single day for a whole year and I loose t only five pounds because you didn't correct your diet.Even to lose weight, one need energy. The best way is avoiding the high-calorie foods. That enables you to pack a tremendous amount of calories into a short amount of time. But it is better to avoid eating too many calories in the first place. An hour's worth of exercise will not undo the damage of eating 5,000 calories a day. In fact, if you don't exercise at a ll, yet you clean up your diet, you'll lose weight. If you only exercise and don't clean up your diet, will you lose weight? Maybe, but not much, if your uncorrected diet is anything like mine was.Research has proven that the only long-term way to reduce body fat (and not body protein and water, which can be quick but ineffective) is to reduce the intake of high-fat and sugary foods and to exercise regularly. Ross et al. , (2000) reported that men in both the diet and the exercise–weight loss programs lost an average of about 16 pounds. Weight did not change in the control group or in the group assigned to exercise without weight loss. Body fat decreased in both weight loss groups, but men in the exercise–weight loss program lost more body fat than men in the diet–weight loss program.Men assigned to exercise without weight loss lost some abdominal fat. Physical fitness improved in both exercise groups. The tests for early signs of diabetes improved in both weigh t loss groups. In any weight loss attempt the goal is to lose the excess fat that has been accumulated in the body, rather than to lose weight. Food prepared at home offers the easiest way to make healthy choices about fat, sugar, salt, and so forth, but in today's world, convenience often wins out over a home cooked meal. A healthy diet along with exercise improves the quality of health and life expectancy.Health is wealth, what else one need rather than a good health. Being healthy will make a profound difference on anyone's life, and that should be motivation enough to start your diet and get going on that exercise program—and to keep it up indefinitely. For the best of both worlds, don’t choose between diet and exercise, take the comprehensive approach and allow the two to support one another. Reference: Eisenstein, J. ; Roberts, S. ; Dallal, G. ; and Saltzman, E. (2002).â€Å"High-Protein Weight-Loss Diets: Are They Safe and Do They Work? A Review of the Experime ntal and Epidemiological Data.† Nutrition Review 60:189–197. Lejeune, M. P. G. M. , van Aggel-Leijssen, D. P. C. , van Baak, M. A. and Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2003).Effects of dietary restraint vs exercise during weight maintenance in obese men. Volume 57, Number 10, Pages 1338-1344 R. Ross, D. Dagnone, P. J. H. Jones, H. Smith, A. Paddags, R. Hudson, and I. Janssen. (2000).â€Å"Reduction in Obesity and Related Comorbid Conditions after Diet-Induced Weight Loss or Exercise-Induced Weight Loss in Men. A Randomized, Controlled Trial. † It is in the 18 July 2000 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine (volume 133, pages 92-103).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Explication on a poem by Blanche Farley Essay

The human mind is in a constant state of flux. More so, a woman’s. Blanche Farley’s The Lover not Taken, beautifully captures the vacillating moods of a woman in and out love, and lends a very daring outrageous image of a woman’s mind. ‘The lover not taken’, in the life of the woman in Farley’s poem would be the significant choice made in a woman’s life – one that decides her character, her destiny. In this, it is as significant as ‘The Road not Taken’. The poem is a beautiful play of comparison and contrast of thought and feeling, of idealism versus realism, the heart and the mind. All alone, Farley’s Madame Bovary waits in time, left to herself. The woman, already bound and claimed in marriage, caught in turmoil, stands pondering at the crossroads, on the verge of giving in to the charms of her new-found suave lover’s lovely hair and smile Unhappy in a marriage, a woman’s heart is unchained, still seeking love. Having found it, the temptation to infidelity looms large. Yet the sensitive niche, in which a woman places herself, prevents her from giving herself freely away to her feelings. Her hating to face the sensitive situation, wishing not to displease her husband nor her lover, yet poignantly wanting to have the cake and eat it, – the vagaries of a woman are picturesquely portrayed. Mulling and wanting, weighing the outcomes of each decision, it is not until the last two lines of the poem, that the mood of the protagonist is actually decided. It appears as if she were her own judge, laying before herself the facts and reasons over which of the two men she would choose and why, and how. Structurally, every line of the poem ends in a pause, a change of mood, a dilemma. The end of every line assumes the consequence of its own course. Are the smiles of her charming lover more endearing than solemn promises of her husband, which he wears in his wedding ring? Guilt-ridden, she does admit her husband is indeed true to her. Yet, what of her love? Awaiting a twist of destiny, expecting a ‘way leading on to a way’, she hopes to find happiness in her love. Hoping for her love to receive her some day, well knowing the grave consequences of adultery, she heaves a sigh of lament. The irresolute, hesitant nature of thought is reflected through the juxtaposition of words like ‘mulling’ and ‘wanting’. Her desire is more for, her lover’s ‘smile’ than her husband’s ‘claim’. She imagines if her blonde lover ‘dropped by some day’, she wonders in fear if her husband, having known about her affair, ‘would ever come back’. Her need to stay in a marriage is very strong, when she tries to think ahead in time, several years away, when she would be recounting her tale to someone, and rejoice at how loyal a wife she had remained. It is only the security of a marriage and a home, which can subconsciously provide her such a stable thought. How finally primordial instincts win over moral values is captured as a conclusion to the poem. Unable to give up either her marriage or love, the woman decides to play it safe, both in love and marriage. It is very ironical that the poem begins with the word ‘committed’. Is the woman really committed to the one who has a claim on her? The frail-minded woman torn between her lover and husband becomes ready to turn into an unconscionable adulteress towards the end of the poem! To reach home and call the lover marks the culmination of this complete turnabout. To enjoy both the comfort of home and the heart, is a secret she alone would know and unflinchingly cherish! Throughout the poem, there is a heavy sense of remorse and regret, and perennial guilt. She finds no peace with any of her feelings. Works Cited â€Å"Road Not Taken: Analysis†. 19 May 2010. MegaEssays. com .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Diffusion of a Cell

The Diffusion of a Cell Summary The primary goal of this research was to evaluate the effects of cholesterol on diffusion properties. Scholars use multiple methods to show the movement of the cholesterol particle to diffusion point. The use of solvents and fluorescence microscopy aimed to show the biophysical mechanism in the diffusion process.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Diffusion of a Cell specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cholesterol is an important player in the lipid composition comprising the cell membrane. Alteration in cell membrane and cholesterol concentration affect receptor protein as well as the cell. By changing many proteins, cholesterol favors the inactive conformation of the photoreceptor rhodopsin. Cholesterol has a few other purposes such as the functioning of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. The objective of this study was to showcase the importance of diffusion to the cell growth, survival, motility adhesio n, and proliferation. Cholesterol plays a key role, and its depletion may lead to a decrease in integrin that affects the functionality of the cell. The research divulged the underlying biophysical system behind cholesterol’s impacts on the diffusion of ever-present group of receptors known as integrins. General Comments The biophysical mechanism process in cholesterol may not have been well known. Nevertheless, by use of live cell imaging and with the help of a combination of solvents one can identify the working behind the process. The goal of this research was to show the effects of cholesterol on living cells. Besides, the study aimed at showing the influence of cholesterol on human body that comprises numerous cells (Geffen 146). The study achieved this goal through the use of Single Particle Tracking that entails observing the diffusion of a particle in the cell. The researchers used photobleaching and enhanced the particles using fluorescence. The research also focused on restoration of cholesterol-depleted cells with exogenous Cholesterol. The study signified the ability of epicholestrol to substitute cholesterol (Finegold 106). The rate of diffusion is measured using Single Particle Tracking (SPT) after photobleaching. The materials and method utilized in the research included a cell culture and bleaching solvents. The method used involved cholesterol depletion, restoration, and substitution. The researchers exposed the cell to the heat as a way to get sufficient results. The cells were first washed in a serum-free medium to remove cyclodextrin (Wilson and Hunt 88). There was also extraction of lipid to measure the quantity of cholesterol. Imaging was done using a PhotonMax camera to assist in the Single Particle Tracking. The images showed total cellular and membrane cholesterol concentration as measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pap er with 15% OFF Learn More The study signified the importance of imaging process in â€Å"generating reliable average diffusion coefficients† (Dudek 67).  The study’s findings showed that a complete recovery of membrane cholesterol cannot be achieved despite a high total cellular cholesterol concentration. The Single Particle Tracking approach demonstrated the dynamics of integrin under different conditions. It showed a decrease in the amount of mobile integrin after cholesterol depletion and increase after cholesterol restoration. It may be argued that this experiment showed the effect of the single dot in the diffusion measurements as showed by STP. The integrins bound to ligand-coated quantum dots display the effects of diffusion. The study proved that integrin distribution is confined to cholesterol zones. According to the study, cholesterol depletion influences integrin diffusion coefficient. The instantaneous distribution varies significantly at different times in the confinement regions. The conclusion is that cholesterol regulates integrin diffusion by changing the physical properties of the membrane. Epicholestrol yielded similar integrin diffusion properties as those measured after restoration. The research verified that there is no difference in the average diffusion coefficient of mobile integrins inside or outside the confined zones after restoration. Criticism The rate of diffusion of a cell allows it to grow and multiply where necessary. The research shows the distribution in cells and their membrane. Lipids make up a great part of the cell and cholesterol is a major component of lipids. By measuring the rate of diffusion through the membrane of a cell, one can identify the absorption rate. Such an experiment can shed light on nutrient uptake in living cells that affects cell growth (Barrett and Donowitz 157). The methods used in this research will go a long way towards facilitating the establishment of different diagnostic and treatment procedures. They will enable doctors to establish appropriate diagnosis of patients in troubling cases. In nutrition, the levels of cholesterol in a particular diet are necessary, and the rate of diffusion in cells can determine how much cholesterol a diet requires. The experiment recognized and identified the effects of other biophysical processes that may be attributed to diffusion (Starr et al. 89). In future, the research can be used in understanding cell metabolism and development in cancer research.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Diffusion of a Cell specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research also brought out the aspect of diffusion rate of integrin and cholesterol. Besides, it pointed out other ways in which cell metabolism can be evaluated using Single Particle Tracking method. The research was well carried out, and the cells were treated to prevent contamination. The results were conclusive and supported using scholarly and peer-reviewed articles. The imaging process was clear and precise. The future research should focus on nutrition and cell biology in a deeper sense. Barrett, Kim, and M. Donowitz. Gastrointestinal Transport, San Diego: Academic Press, 2010. Print. Dudek, Ronald. High-Yield, Cell Molecular Biology, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2006. Print. Finegold, Leonard. Cholesterol in Membrane Models, Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2007. Print. Geffen, Amit. Cellular and Bimolecular Mechanics and Mechanobiology, Berlin: Springer, 2011. Print. Starr, Cecie, Ralph Taggart, Christine Evers and Lisa Starr. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. Australia: Brooks Cole, 2012. Print. Wilson, John, and T. Hunt. Molecular Biology of the Cell, New York: Garland Pub., 2011. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Monday, November 4, 2019

Anishinaabe social movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Anishinaabe social movements - Essay Example Efforts by the Canadian government to resettle the Anishinabe people so as to limit them to reservations that only handled farming was leading factor to the problems they had to endure. Initially, they practiced fishing and game hunting to support their livelihood. Their land was looted in an effort to force them to other places and pave a way for copper mining. The government promised to pay the Anishinabe once they moved to the reservations. Such promises and those of proper education for their children was not fulfilled hence creating dissatisfaction from the people. Individuals who had also settled on their previous land had made their way into the reserves taking over their source of livelihood. Constructions were built on land destroying fishing sites. The permanent homes they had been promised earlier on were not honored. Equipment and carpentry tools were not also given to the people hence making their lives miserable. The Anishinabe social movements started as a result of su ch issues from the Canadian government (Government of Canada, pg.1). The aboriginal people also commonly referred to as the first people formed a number of social movements to champion for their rights. The Native Americans had been deprived of their land, and most of it given to the British and French Traders. Strict regulations were also put in place so as to curtail the efforts of the First people to get pieces of land. The increasing numbers of settlers in the areas made them push for the Aboriginal people to surrender their land to them. The other reason for the formation of social movements was to advocate for proper education for their children. As it is presently, the First Nations people did not have access to the kind of education the Europeans had. The Indian Act of 1876 had its introduction making it difficult for the First Nations people to get quality education and other social services in the country. Unlike the past treaties that were as a result of negotiations

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Should abortion be legal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Should abortion be legal - Essay Example We do not have the right to kill a fetus in the womb, no one can do it. It is a sin and will always remain so. The unborn child hardly has options; it was not the child who was asking to be born, when they do not have a choice why should the parents have the choice of aborting them? From religious perspective also abortion is a very big sin because an embryo is completely helpless and killing someone helpless is a very big sin and should never be done. There are several health risks for women which are involved when it comes to aborting a child. Making it legal will encourage more and more women to undergo it and may end up taking away several lives which surely no one would want. Doctors are very well respected because their duty is to save as many lives as plausible but people will stop respecting them when they start killing helpless embryos in the womb. They would continue to be respected should they keep saving lives, which is also their duty. A woman who chooses to abort her unborn baby goes through a lot of mental trauma, many more women would go through the same should abortion be made legal. The world has changed drastically over the past few years; the culture across the globe has drastically changed. There are far too many abortions taking place these days when compared to the previous years. Abortion is mainly chosen by women who choose to avoid becoming pregnant and most of such women are unmarried women. Undergoing abortion is a very difficult step to take for any woman and it takes a lot of guts to take the decision. Abortion according to many is a very big sin, killing the unborn is an unmerciful act. The irresponsible people in the society, without thinking about the circumstances put themselves in a situation which is extremely undesirable. Everyone must act and behave responsibly to avoid a situation which is undesirable and abortion is without